Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Tips to Sell Domains - Importance of Domain Age

How can you sell domains for more money? What are the factors which make a domain sell for more? These are the questions that domainers ask when they sell domains. Whether you are new to the game, or you sell domains on a regular basis, answering these questions is fundamental to your success.

Let's look at one of the most important factors for those who sell domains: ‘age'. Domain's have an age too, starting from the day you registered it and ending right now. Age plays a big factor when you sell domains. Even if you thought of the perfect name for a site, it isn't worth anything if everyone knows you just paid $7 to get it registered. A domain's age also influences the value of a domain on multiple levels.

The longer you hold on for a domain, the more time you have to make it appear as an authority resource. Build up those perfect domain names by putting a content page up and building backlinks. If the domain has a high PageRank, it will automatically be worth something. Build as many backlinks as you can for around a year, and the value of your domain will skyrocket. To cut it short: Time is money.

Look around at the most sold domain names. Those that sell domains registered before the year 2000 will get top dollar for their domain names, and if you think that leaving a few details out of your sales pitch, a simple WhoIs lookup will earn you a bad reputation. Be upfront with your sales thread. Just like in poker, you will have more success if you play with your cards above the table. Sell domains the right way, or don't sell domains at all.

Unless you are in need of some quick cash, wait before you sell domains. The longer you wait, the more you make. Aged domains have more trust in Google, and other search engines - so just by sitting on that perfect domain name, it will increase its value.

Keeping time on your side is vital to sell domains. Domains are like interest at a bank. The longer the money sits, the bigger it becomes. With domains though, the value will increase much faster than bank interest would. If a domain name isn't even one year old, don't consider selling it. You will come off as desperate for money and many people will not like you. When you try to sell it again 6 months later, they will remember you as the guy that tries to sell domains early.


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